Will you answer the call? We seek a few outstanding actors, actresses, and crew members to bring Children of the Night back from the dead. Are you ready to rise up with us?
Rehearsals begin 9/5/2022 and the final show is 10/29/2022 (10/30/2022 if you are available for the readthrough of our next play). This is a modestly paid position.
We are looking for a diverse, non-equity cast of players to bring an original script written by Texas playwrights to life. This is a revival with minor revisions from the 2017 & 2018 productions. Actors and actresses of all experience levels are encouraged to join our Director for a cold-reading of excerpts from the play. We wish to be inclusive of anyone with reading and/or visual disadvantages, so advanced copies are also available.
The auditions with be held at MainStage Irving: 222 E Irving Blvd, Irving TX on Sunday August 21st from 1pm to 4pm & Monday August 22nd 7pm to 10pm. Please make your time requests ASAP so that we can accommodate all possible schedules. Reservation requests can be made through SignUpGenius. If you have any trouble, please let us know via PSP@ProstStageProduction.com
Please bring a copy of your headshot, acting resume (if you have one), and Covid vaccination card. We will be conducting temperature checks and ask that you do not take any fever-masking medication. A copy of our Code of Conduct will also be given to all who audition. We emphasize transparency and teamwork.
Only one part is pre-cast. The actor playing Grimlocke is contractually reprising his role from the 2 previous productions (and we’re glad to have him involved!). That said, the director may ask you to read his part. Also, several actors/actresses will play multiple roles in different acts due to the way this play is written spanning 3 different eras.

Here’s a list of the parts, along with mild spoilers of the play:
Grimlocke: An immortal twelfth-century knight cursed during the Baltic Crusades. He appears to be of advanced middle age, 40s to 80s, world-weary, but with a face that shows a lot of character. He’s part Bela Lugosi / part Gary Oldman – with just a hint of George Hamilton.
Lilith: Eldest daughter of Grimlocke. She is a survivor of ethnic cleansing in the Baltic Crusades. Appears to be in her late 20s to early 40s. Lilith has a feral / damaged air about her. Constantly disheveled, and joyfully non-comformist. She’s a unrepentant monster – a bestial vampire in the traditions of Nosferatu, Diable fantôme, and Vampyr.
Madeline: Middle daughter of Grimlocke. Former concubine from the Italian Renaissance. Appears to be in her mid 20s to late 30s. She is elegant, refined, and voluptuous. The kind of person who can’t say “hello” without a little purr in her voice. She comes from the sultry tradition of Goth knockout succubus vampires.
Helena: Youngest of Grimlocke’s daughters. Aristocrat with sensitive disposition. Appears to be early 20s and preferably somewhat waifish. Think perpetual teenager / sparkling in the light. Yeah, we went there.
William/Basil/Jeffery: All 3 parts are classically handsome young men in their 20s. William is a studious but eager young British Realtor. Basil is a laid-back British hippie. Jeffery puts on the façade of being a well-bred Southern gentleman, but he hides a dark secret integral to a twist in the play.
Sebastian (young)/Brahm: 20s to 30s. Sebastian is a professional vampire hunter. A zealot’s zealot. Ethnic garb fitting for eastern Europe 1920’s. Brahm is his apprentice: a beaten-down young man who knows a life of nothing but service, but who develops into his own man in a return appearance. A somewhat ageless appearance would be helpful for pulling all “2 and 1/2” parts off.
Sebastian (old)/Innkeeper: Battlescarred old man who walks with a limp. Dedicated to the cause of hunting vampires. The Innkeeper is an older rustic European man who has seen it all.
Villager/Gerald/Tarheel 1: Rustic European villager / Heavyset British aristocrat/Simple working-class person, with Ocracoke accent.
Villager/Bartender/Tarheel 2: Rustic European villager / Swarthy British bartender/Simple working-class fellow, with Ocracoke accent.
Female Patron/Sarah/Ashley: Common British woman / Young woman dressed as a waitress / Young woman dressed as a house servant. More than window dressing; she has 2 appointments with fate.

Please don’t wait to reserve your audition spot. And, if you need some ideas about how to prepare, you might want to read over our tipsheet for How to Ace A Stage Audition.