We haven’t finalized our guiding principles yet, but are putting the finishing touches on our Code of Conduct. These are written broadly to cover both cast & crew. There are specific sub-sections that are 1) only relevant to cast and 2) only relevant to crew. We pulled inspiration for this code of conduct from various theaters and productions where we have worked in the past. We are trying to learn from past experiences so that others don’t have to do it the hard way.
If there are any typos or omissions that you spot, we’d love to hear your feedback with a comment at the bottom of the page. Thank you.

Prost Stage Productions – Code of Conduct
All cast and crew members are equally obligated to observe the following;
- I will treat all co-workers with due respect. No one is more or less worthy of respect than I am. I will perform my parts to the best of my ability; regardless of stage time, number of lines, or people overseen. There are no “small parts” and it is intolerable to treat anyone involved in the many key roles of producing the show as lesser than myself. I will actively recognize each person’s contributions to the success of our production and bear in mind that some members of the company may be doing their job for the first time,
- I will always look for opportunities to learn and to nurture growth in others,
- I will not engage in improper behavior, not limited to, but certainly including any forms of discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender, identity/expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, veteran status, or any other protected criteria under local, state, or federal law. I will go beyond what the law requires in making others feel welcome and to create a safe space for our art.
If I experience or observe any objectionable behaviors, I will report them to the Stage Manager and/or Director. No discrimination or harassment will be tolerated and may be immediate grounds for termination of contract as determined by the Board of Directors, [Reporting shall be treated as anonymously as possible and no retaliation shall be tolerated] - I will take all reasonable steps to maintain safety and comfort in the workplace. This includes not only preventing physical hazards (EG: always attending powertools, covering cables in walkways, etc), but also avoiding verbal altercations, preventing backstage drama, respecting the boundaries of others, and avoiding doing anything that creates a hostile work environment,
- I will not show up in an avoidably impaired state. This includes being under the influence of alcohol, lack of sleep, non-prescription drugs, or anything of a similar nature,
- I shall be professional in how I handle the stage facilities, props, costumes, tools, and any other items of value that I am entrusted with. If I am uncomfortable using any of the same, I will voice my concerns rather than engage in reckless behavior,
- I will show up as scheduled. If I am unable to show up for any reason, I will follow procedures to provide timely notification to those in charge rather than no-show. I will also not leave without checking-out with the Director or Stage Manager,
- My cleanliness is an important part of my job performance. I will maintain basic personal hygiene, avoid the excessive use of perfumes or colognes, refrain from smoking or vaping on-premises or within 50 feet of any doorway, clean up after myself while on the premises, maintain an organized workspace [both on and backstage], and dress appropriately for the needs of my role (or roles),
- I will turn off all cell-phones/noise-making devices during performances and put them in silent mode during rehearsals. Phones, game consoles, electric bagpipes, etc. are permitted during break times, but I will be respectful of others and use earphones or otherwise keep noise to a minimum. If I am on-call during performance times or otherwise expecting an emergency contact, I will apprise the Stage Manager and route all communication through him/her,
- I recognize that Prost Stage Productions Board of Directors retains rights to any media produced relating to this production. I will refrain from sharing materials containing ‘spoilers’ such as pictures, videos, or other recordings without permission from those in the material as well as the Director and/or Stage Manager. I will help when I can and make myself available, as reasonable, to promote the show via interviews, video shorts, and social media without further compensation.
- I will avoid criticism of my colleague’s work – both in person and/or via social media,
- I will accept both praise and constructive criticism with grace,
- I will keep pranks & hijinx to a minimum and always avoid doing anything that derails the show. Prost Stage Productions recognizes that final-show pranks are a lively and enjoyable tradition, but asks that they be kept good-natured, safe, and [ideally] invisible to the audience,
- I acknowledge that Prost Stage Productions takes the threat of communicable illness very seriously. I will follow all medical standards and directions from those in charge. I will not take any medications that mask my symptoms in order to participate in events. If I even suspect that I have been exposed to a communicable illness, I will notify the Stage Manager and any fellow cast members or crew that I will be interacting with, IN ADVANCE,
- Should honest mistakes happen, I will be generous with forgiveness.

Cast specific obligations:
- I will always give my best possible performance, leaving any off-stage problems or distractions at home,
- I will respect my audience regardless of size or station,
- I will stay as true as possible to the material, avoiding unapproved improvisation, restaging, blocking, or interfering with technical aspects,
- I will defer to the Stage Manager’s directives during performance, and hold any feedback or pushback to an appropriate time (unless my concerns regard safety),
- I will leave alone aspects of the production that are outside of my expertise (ie; not moving props that others are using or changing soundboard settings).

Crew specific obligations:
- I will keep heckling of the Actors & Actresses to a reasonable minimum,
- I will wear all appropriate safety gear while performing my duties; including but not limited to hearing protection, gloves, eye-protection, and dust masks,
- I will not operate any tools that I am not qualified to safely use, and I shall always choose the safer option over the expeditious one,
- I will measure twice and cut once (both metaphorically and literally). I acknowledge that fixing a mistake is always more costly than taking the time to do it right the first time,
- I will not build anything on my own without approval or direction from the Build Manager, no matter how practical or cool my idea is,
- I will follow the Keep-It-Simple principle and help keep others on-task to complete all builds and repairs with minimal time and expense.