We had an excellent turnout for our 2 days of auditions to revive Children of the Night. Thank you to everyone who joined us, even in the nasty flash-flood weather. We are still evaluating a few last-minute video & audio auditions and will be announcing our cast shortly.

There were more than enough talented and amazing thespians to cast the show two times over (or more). We have some tough decisions to make, and are considering some novel ways to untie the Gordian knot / divide the baby evenly between both mothers. More on that to come shortly.
After burning through more than 350 pages of printing to prepare for the auditions (sides + a reader’s copy of the whole script + photo releases + audition info sheets + codes of conduct & more), I even learned how to clean the overheated toner head of my printer. Sorry about some of the ridiculously smeared pages before I figured that one out!