Tag: Cast

  • KJ James is: Ashley

    KJ James is: Ashley

    KJ James is both our irreplaceable Stage Manager and a staff member at Scuppernong Manor (in Act 3 of Children of the Night). Her role calls for…

  • Lindsey Nelson is: Sarah

    Lindsey Nelson is: Sarah

    Lindsey Nelson lights up the stage in Children of the Night. During rehearsals, her stage screams were convincing enough that we had to turn away would-be rescuers from…

  • Jake Geary is: William, Basil, & Jeffrey

    Jake Geary is: William, Basil, & Jeffrey

    Jake is a recent arrival in Dallas, but has a long acting resume stretching back to NJ. For his triparte role in Children of the Night…

  • Our cast and crew’s other projects

    Our cast and crew’s other projects

    We are lucky to have a multitasking cast and crew who have other projects they’re doing alongside our shows. They do have rich outside lives off of our stage! In addition to their day jobs, our gang of often-do-wells also have other projects, art, performances, and various forms of exhibition going on at any given…