What’s the difference between a hex and a curse?
Is a jinx stronger or weaker than a curse? How about a maleficium? And what does salty language have to do with…
Challenges of using an outdoor stage
Doing a show on an outdoors stage in Texas presents some unique challenges. So why are we doing Children of the Night outdoors?
Cast announcement – Children of the Night 2022
We are proud to announce to Cast & Crew of Children of the Night for 2022. Who made it onto the team? Click here to feast your eyes on talent!
After Auditions for Children Of The Night…
We had an excellent turnout for our 2 days of auditions to revive Children of the Night. Thank you to everyone who joined us, even in the nasty flash-flood weather. We are still evaluating a few last-minute video & audio auditions and will be announcing our cast shortly. There were more than enough talented and…
Casting Call for Children of the Night, 2022 revival
CALLING ALL Actors, Actresses, Stage Hands, and Technical Specialists. All hands on deck for the 2022 revival of Children of the Night!
Tips for Acing an Audition
Want to ace your audition? Follow these tips and you’re well on your way to landing a role with us.
Headless Horseman Tales
Where did the inspiration for the Sleepy Hollow tale come from? Old Irish and Norse folk stories? The creepy woods of upstate New York? The author’s own personal experiences?
Antique Vampire Slaying Kit
What does it take to slay a vampire? Time alone wont kill them off. So, when you need a toolbox for killing vampires, you might want to start with…
Acting CV – Byron Holder
Byron Holder will be playing Grimlocke in Children of the Night. He has a diverse and storied career, along with undeniable charisma & wit.
Locations Featured in Children of the Night
There are 3 major locations in Children of the Night. Eastern Europe, in the vicinity of the Porumbar Kalnas (Blackthorne Castle). This is the home of Count Grimlocke. The outskirts of London, in the environs of Applewood Estate. This is 1960’s period London, mind you. The beachside town of Ocracoke, North Carolina, at Scuppernong Manor.…