What belongs in a Vampire Slaying Kit? According to Lord William Malcolm Hailey, a well-equipped 19th century vampire slayer should carry a stout wooden box, locking brass crucifix adornments, and a modest assortment of vampire killing tools.
It turns out that vintage occult items are a great investment. Lord Hailey’s vamp slaying kit recently sold in auction for £13,000 (US$15,736.49). That’s still peanuts compared to the price of a Gothic marble coffin or a Romanian castle, but nothing to bat an eye at.

Lord Hailey’s vampire slaying kit included a Gothic bible with a stake (and hammer), of course. It also holds holy water, crucifix, rosary, and, oddly enough, pistols with bronze powder flask. Perhaps the guns were for dealing with a vampire’s thralls? Or, for wounding and slowing the vampire down?
Other antique vampire kits have come up for auction in the past. You have to be careful when buying something 200+ years old – odds are that the garlic isn’t very potent any more (and who knows what the shelf life of holy water is?)! Also – less than authentic faux vampire slaying kits are also on the market. If you were an immortal, wouldn’t you flood the market with faulty anti-vampire kits?
On the other hand, if tales about vampire slayers are your cup of tea, perhaps you’ll join us for our 2022 revival of Children of the Night. You can read more about what happens (with some mild spoilers) in #ChildrenOfTheNight here. No need to bring your kit – all the action is up on stage.