Jake Geary is: William, Basil, & Jeffrey

Jake Geary

Jake Lawrence Geary (WILLIAM / BASIL / JEFFREY) is honored to be a part in Prost Stage Production’s new work. A Theater BA alum of Fairleigh Dickinson University in NJ, Jake has been featured in many productions in the NY area, but is relatively new to Dallas. Past credits include King Lear (Edgar), Equus (Alan Strang), Measure for Measure (Friar Thomas / Elbow / Abhorson), and various readings with Plague Mask Players. His admiration goes to the members of Prost… who’ve made this possible, our cast, and most especially our crew. Break a leg, everyone!

William/Basil/Jeffery: All classically handsome young men in their 20s. William is a studious but eager young British realtor. Basil is a laid-back British hippie. Jeffery puts on the façade of being a well-bred Southern gentleman, but he hides a dark secret.

from Who’s Who in Children of the Night

If you enjoy rooting for romance, then you’ll get a chance to root for Jake to get the girl… three times over!

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