The writing Curriculum Vitae of George Morris CV includes the following works:
2004: “Seasonal Worker”
-poem about night patrol on the beach (published in Descant, fall 2006)
2005: “Urine Bombs”
-article, published in Texas Highway Patrol Magazine August, 2005
2005: “Flashing Lights Mean Slow Down or Scoot Over”
-article, published in Texas Highway Patrol Magazine June, 2006
2006: “North Texas Ridealong”
-article, published in Texas Highway Patrol Magazine December, 2006
2008: “Child Steps”
-poem, published in Pegasus Quarterly April, 2009
2012: “Day Meeting”
-short story loosely based on Ray Bradbury’s “Night Meeting”
-honorable mention from Playboy Magazine for their “New Writers, New Visions” contest
2014: Minions of an Evil Corporation (with Joel Frapart)
-2 act play, a comedy about a world-domination business & their zombie ninjas
2015: Prohibitioners (with Joel Frapart)
-2 act play, parody of the Untouchables
2017: Dear A$$#oles (with Joel Frapart)
-10 minute original play for a cast of 3, poking fun at who really writes advice columns & how messed up their personal lives are.
-performed twice for the 2017 GUTS (Grown Up Talent Show) fundraiser at the Pocket Sandwich Theater in Dallas, Texas
2017: “Recovered Coins: Shipwrecks & Beyond”
-article, published by the Texas Numismatic Association May, 2017
-awarded 2nd place in the annual TNA Reader’s Choice awards
2018: Children of the Night (with Joel Frapart)
-3 act play, comedic drama, “Fiddler on the Roof with Vampires”
-selected for the 2018 “7 Plays in 7 Days Festival“ (a 2-night staged reading)
-produced by Calavera Theatre Company at the Bathhouse Cultural Center (Dallas, TX), 2019
2018: “How Coins Connect Us”
-essay, chosen by the American Numismatic Association as the Grand Prize (Gold Coin) winner for National Coin Week 2018
2019: The Tinder Man (with Joel Frapart)
-2 act play; parody of The Wicker Man & all things Nic Cage
2020: Cupid’s Arrow (with Joel Frapart)
-1 act play; created for a Valentine Burlesque Show (which hasn’t yet happened)
2021: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow & the Hex of the Headless Horseman (with Joel Frapart)
-2 act melodramatic treatment of the Washington Irving tale
2022: BBC Censor (with Joel Frapart)
-1 act “hysterical fiction” piece inspired by the Monty Python’s All-England Summarize Proust Competition skit
2023: Boar’s Head Tavern, East Cheap (with Joel Frapart)
-2-act, bawdy treatment of the obscure Washington Irving tale with almost none of the original story retained. This is a tie-in for Legend of Sleepy Hollow to address a shortage of late-night abbreviated shows at local theaters & bootstrap our other piece onto the main stage. (currently ~60% finished)

Other works in progress or out pending publication:
-poem about ghosts on the beach
“Bound Together”
-short story about a treasure hunter in an abandoned house, submitted for consideration with the Rhonda Parrish Anthologies – Clockwork, Curses and Coal: Steampunk Anthologies
“Lighter Than Air”
-novella about the 100th anniversary of the Weltflug zeppelin flight (think a 2030’s version of Murder on the Orient Express)
“Sleeping Beauties”
-short story about a sleeping plague & the aftermath as society deals with 99% of the world slipping into comas.

George Morris has been acting for long enough that it’s not polite to talk about the number of years. Here’s a few of the projects he’s been involved with:
1998 – Little Orphan Annie: Where he did not get the part of Annie.
1999 – Annie Get Your Gun: Again, Annie was denied to him.
1999 – The Crucible: Rev. Parris
2010 – Never Too Late: Mr. Foley
2012 – Fu Manchu – the Melodrama: Dr. Petrie
2013 – Fools and Kings: Theodore Adams

George Morris work resume includes the following:
2/2022-present: US Census SIPP – Denver RO
George is working the Survey of Income and Program Participation, a quite intense program that involves a lot of deeply probing questions and having doors shut in one’s face. He travels all over D/FW to reach his assigned households.
8/2018 – 5/2022: ClutterBlasters Estate Sales
George was the discoverer, tester, and market-price researcher for all manner of items (from appliances and sofas to Lalique crystal & hallmarked silverware). On sale days, he also handled loss management, traffic flow, & sales assistance.
6/2020 – 11/2020: 2020 US Census
Field Enumerator
George collected data door-to-door & carried out verification in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.
2/2010 – 5/2019: Tropical Extremes
Team Leader (Event Manager)
George directed a crew of 2-5 staff, Conducted up to 6 hour long events as far away as 18 hours of drivetime from our base of operations, Entertained up to 400 people per hour, Maintained equipment (vehicles, blowers, props, laser guns, etc), Handled logistics for trips that sometimes involved 3 back-to-back events, Ensured that the client’s were satisfied to generate positive word-of-mouth & repeat bookings.
4/2010 – 8/2010: 2010 US Census
Payroll Clerk
George converted timesheets to digital formats, provided phone support, trained additional phone staff, and processed secure data for collation at central offices.
2/2006 – 7/2007: On-Hold Media Group
Creative Copywriter / Account Manager
George wrote advertising and marketing copy for ~150 clients, Managed ongoing writing projects, Reinforced awareness of my company’s services, Provided technical support, Trained new writers, Represented the company at networking events. Left the company during the Great Recession as we lost banking and construction clients in droves.
8/2005 – 11/2005: National Park Service
Fee Collector at Cape Hatteras National Seashore
George operated camping & dock sites, Collected fees, Provided security, Maintained paperwork. During my time-limited assignment, He also weathered his first Hurricane and helped during the cleanup after Ophelia.
Other employment abbreviated here to keep the resume to 1 printable page. BTW, doesn’t “trolling job boards” mean punking them? I think they meant “trawling”.
4 Years at the University of Texas at Austin
Graduated 2004 with a BS in Advertising
Skills / Software Knowledge
General Office: Microsoft Word / Outlook / Outlook Express / Internet Explorer / Office / PowerPoint, Firefox, Netscape, Chrome, Keynote, Quicken, Excel, UPS Worldship
Digital Photography: Adobe Photoshop / InDesign / Illustrator
Travel: 34 States and 9 Countries so far
Epee Fencing & Scuba Diving (although not at the same time)
Writing (published articles & stories, plays staged 3 times, winner of 2019 American Numismastic Association essay contest)
Digital Photography: >25 years of hobby & professional experience

5 responses to “Acting & Writing Bio for George Morris CV”
[…] years later I had met George Morris, we had already written two full-length plays together, and we were basically tossing around ideas […]
[…] years later, I met George Morris. After we had already written two full-length plays together, we were basically tossing around […]
[…] taken to make it fit into that world. So far, this is one of the only instances of Joel Frapart and George Morris attempting to write a non-fiction story. Clearly, we should stick to […]
[…] to Appleton Estate, a particularly tasty Jamaican rum – a rum with terroir. Decades ago, George once even visited the rum plantation of. Did I mention that we drink as we […]
[…] piece on our schedule is Children of the Night, an original play written by Joel Frapart & George Morris. Children of the Night is a dark comedy that has been likened to Fiddler on the Roof… with […]